Thursday, January 24, 2008

Endless Ocean (Wii)

Based on what we played, Endless Ocean is a unique, deliberate experience that may initially come across as being too mellow for its own good. However, if you clock some time into it, we reckon that the game's subtle charms will hook you in an Animal Crossing sort of way. There's a lot to see in the game's virtual ocean, and there's something to be said for the simple allure of exploring and collecting items.

- Gamespot (link here)

Arika has created a very good, albeit different title that centers on the process of exploring the ocean and both seeing and cataloging its inhabitants. There is almost no way to lose (and the aquatic life is all safe, sharks included), but you will have fun all the same simply discovering new things, whether that encapsulates a humpback whale or a long-lost underwater civilization. You will also marvel at the serene locales and beautiful music the game employs.

- IGN (link here)

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